Academic Writing: Advice by blog!

We may not feel we need it right now, in this between-terms gap during which  students currently in coursework don’t have pressing writing deadlines, though ABDs and faculty know that there are no deadline-free days in this profession. But I just discovered a wonderful blog about academic writing, written by Rachel Cayley at the University of Toronto. Very much work adding to your RSS feed!

I started with the current post, Confronting the Anxiety of Academic Writing, which led me to lots of other linked posts and two pages of excellent annotated bibliography.

I’ve just added Explorations of Styles to my academic blog feed, and I look forward to using it and its sources in the classroom. Not to mention in helping me meet all my writing deadlines in 2014!

About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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