CFP: Encountering the Other at Rutgers University French Dept.

St. John’s University Students are invited to submit proposals and participate in the “Encountering the Other”  conference at Rutgers Univeristy’s French Department. Please see the invitation below:

An interest in the Other is omnipresent throughout French and Francophone literature and literary theory. From Montaigne’s Les Cannibales to Colette’s Le pur et l’impur, the literary world has long sought to encounter and unmask the Other. Indeed, the history of literature itself could be considered an encounter with the Other, be it other humans, other species, or other “things” altogether.

We would like to reflect upon the animosity between the established norms and the representations of the Other in French literature. Are the Self and the Other complementary or conflicting terms? Can literature write about the Self without writing about the Other? Does literature diffuse false representations of the Other or bring readers closer to radical otherness? We would like to consider the binary between Self and Other at various historical moments in France and throughout the francophone world. Can literature speak for, or perhaps speak to, the Other?

Possible topics for papers could include but are not limited to:

• Hospitality

• Representations of alterity

• Colonial/Postcolonial otherness

• Representations of gender and sexuality

• Writing identity

• Thing theory

• Travel writing

• Imprisonment

• Immigration

• The animal other

• Open and closed spaces

• Doppelgängers and schizophrenia

• The struggle for literary recognition

• Jacques Lacan’s ‘Other’ and ‘other’

• Levinas’ ethics of the other

• The “bon sauvage” and cultural relativism

• Translation

• Ventriloquism

This conference will have a panel format. We welcome papers in both French and English. We particularly welcome papers that address multiple art forms and the relationship between them. Abstracts of approximately 250-500 words should be submitted to the following email address – before the 31st of January.

Abstracts should be preceded by a cover page with the following information:

Ø Name (last, first)

Ø Academic affiliation

Ø Title (PhD, Masters candidate, Post-Doc, Visiting Professor, etc.)

Ø Title of paper

Ø Telephone number

Ø Address

Ø Email address

This information should not appear on your abstract.




About Steve Mentz 1305 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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