CFP for New Journal, Quarterly Horse: A Journal of [brief] American Studies

We are happy to announce the pending launch of Quarterly Horse: A Journal of [brief] American Studies (

The first online “printing” will be released November 2016 with a celebration at the American Studies Association conference in Denver.  With an editorial staff now in place, the journal is currently seeking submissions.  Essays will be accepted through our online submission management system (see

We publish brief, scholarly essays on American culture, essays that are no more than 1,250 words in length—exclusive of notes and works cited.  Brevity is one of our founding virtues.  Like a New Yorker story from the 1930s, QH essays get to the meaning of the subject at hand with no words wasted.  QH essays engage some aspect of American life & culture; they advance the scholarly conversations surrounding a particular text or question and show evidence of a clear theoretical framework.  Rather than attempting to establish a method or a scope, we reject disciplinary boundaries in favor of creative inquiry.  In short, we will publish essays that are scholarly and innovative (and brief).  And we believe that creativity has a place in academic discourse, that the lyric essay and the scholarly essay should be friends.

Quarterly Horse is a non-profit, open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal associated with the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Studies Association and the English: Literature & Professional Writing Program at Johnson & Wales University, Denver.  We publish three issues a year, a fall issue in November, a winter issue in February, and a spring issue in May.  Like a traditional college student, we take our summer quarter off for a break.

About Steve Mentz 1305 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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