CFP: Special Issue on Queer Production Studies

The Journal of Film & Video 

Special Issue on Queer Production Studies 

Guest Editor: Alfred L. Martin, Jr. 

University of Colorado Denver 




Production studies has often failed to include sexuality and queerness in its research agenda. However, as mediated representation of LGBTQ subjects has increased across media, the scholarship has infrequently turned away from the image on screen to examine the ways queerness is produced within the media industries. Certainly, some scholars have turned their attention to the ways LGBTQ subjects use media as a counterpublic (Gamson, 2009 and Muñoz, 1999), the politics of writing gay characters within otherwise heterosexual series (Martin, 2015), the utility of paratexts in producing on-screen queerness (Draper, 2012 and Miller, 2013), the particularities of branding queerness within cable television (Freitas 2007, Himberg, 2014 and Ng, 2013), and the invisibility of queer labor (Tinkcom, 2002), few of these studies have made a sustained theoretical intervention that helps to illuminate the relationship(s) between the proliferation of LGBTQ media, queer production studies as a discipline/off-shoot of broader production studies, and what it means to produce queerness in 21st century media.


This special issue invites submissions that address the many facets of queer production and the production of queerness. This special issue attempts to re-focus attention from the image on the screen to the ways queerness is produced within the culture industries, paying close attention to the ways image production is inextricably tethered to notions of the/a mainstream. In doing so, the special issue hopes to expand the types of research questions and texts within the field of queer media studies and production studies. The special issue is especially interested in scholarly interventions that address intersectional queerness in relationship to:

  • Television networks and the production of queerness
  • Production studies of specific media texts
  • The interplay between media production and audience reception
  • Casting and the production of queerness
  • Uncovering queerness within archives
  • Celebrity studies and queer production
  • Auteurs and queer(ing) production
  • Queer labor and production studies
  • Media syndication/distribution and queer production
  • Queering media production
  • Paratexts and producing queerness


The Journal of Film & Video is a blind, peer-reviewed journal published by the University of Illinois Press. All submissions to the JFV should be typed and double-spaced. Do not include your name on your submission. Articles should be approximately 12-35 typewritten pages in the MLA Style (8th edition).

Please send your submission as a .doc to: 


When submitting your essay, please include in your e-mail the title of your essay and complete contact information (full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address). If you have any questions regarding the process, feel free to email Stephen Tropiano, JFV editor, at or phone our office at 323-851-6199.

About Steve Mentz 1304 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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