Fall Pedagogy Conference at Berkeley College, NYC

The Consortium for Critical Reading, Writing, and Thinking

4th Annual Conference

 October, 28, 2016

Berkeley College, New York, NY

 “Embracing Innovation: Transcending Tradition in Twenty-First Century Higher Education”

Berkeley College will present its fourth annual interdisciplinary conference on Friday, October 28, 2016. The primary objectives of this year’s conference are to explore innovative pedagogical practices that both enrich and transcend traditional teaching methods, and to inspire a contemplative, cross-disciplinary dialogue regarding higher education in the twenty-first century.

Modern education and educators must presently negotiate a complex fusion of concerns and opportunities deriving from, in part, the increased enrollment of “non-traditional” students, expanding influence and incorporation of technology (which includes the expectations of digitally native student populations), and the fluctuating demands of local and national political systems. Traditional pedagogical approaches often appear outmoded in the presence of such profound shifts in the educational and cultural landscapes.

In light of this sea change, the 2016 CCRWT conference—through useful collaboration and the informative exchange of ideas—will highlight pioneering concepts, methods, and modes in higher education to help faculty and students navigate the new century.

We invite proposals for papers, presentations, and roundtable discussions on pedagogical innovation from all academic disciplines and fields. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

●      Diversification of technique, content, or methodology

●      Collaborative/flipped/learning-centric instruction

●      Non-traditional methods and/for non-traditional students

●      Digital pedagogies and resources—effective uses, impacts, and implications

●      Course/Curriculum construction for the digital age

●      Distance learning/online education

●      Collapsing boundaries between tradition and technology

●      Group, interdisciplinary, and/or cross-disciplinary teaching of reading, writing, and thinking

●      Service and/or community-based Learning

●      Learning communities

●      Process vs. product learning and assessment



As with our previous conferences, we welcome all presentation proposals but will give preference to those that foreground interaction, collaboration, and critical dialogue with participants. Consequently, a limited number of traditional formats, such as roundtable sessions, conference papers, and panel presentations will be included in the program.  If delivering a paper, you are encouraged to speak extemporaneously from notes—rather than read directly from a manuscript—to allow for maximum engagement with attendees.


Concurrent sessions are to run 1 hour and 10 minutes each (with at least 15 minutes of a given session reserved for Q & A)


Submission Instructions


Write an abstract (250-500 words) of the intent and scope of your presentation. Include a presentation title, your name, school, and email address atop your abstract. Provide a brief academic/scholarly bio below your abstract.  Please note the intended format of your presentation, e.g. workshop, roundtable, panel, or individual paper. An explanation of each format can be found below.  If submitting as a panel, please include the names and affiliations of all presenters, as well as the titles of their respective papers (if applicable).  Accepted individual paper submissions will be grouped according to topic or theme to form panels.


Send your abstracts by June 30, 2016, to the conference committee at ccrwt@berkeleycollege.edu


Interactive Workshop (Preferred)

In a workshop, one or more facilitators lead a practical, hands-on presentation focused on a particular theme and learning outcome.  Attendees function as active participants. Workshops can run from thirty minutes (half-session) to one hour (full-session). The length of a workshop will be determined by the reading committee.



In a roundtable, selected participants (usually experts in a given field) engage in a focused discussion on a specific theme with one or more facilitators guiding or moderating the dialogue.


Pre-Arranged Panel

A panel features multiple presenters addressing research on a specific topic or theme. Panels are typically comprised of three participants delivering individual papers; that said, those who have submitted accepted panel abstracts may determine the structure of their session so long as they allow for at least 15 minutes of Q&A.


Individual Paper

Papers are articles or reports on current research delivered by individual presenters.

Accepted papers will be grouped by topic or theme to form panels of three presenters.  Paper presentations should run no longer than 15-18 minutes and allow sufficient time for Q&A.


General Information

Who:   Faculty, Administrators, Graduate Students

Where: Berkeley College’s Manhattan Campus, 12 East 41st Street

When: Friday, October 28, 2015—9:30 AM to 4:35 PM

Breakfast (8:30-9:25), Lunch (1:10-2:10), Wine Reception (5:00-6:30)—All complimentary



Please direct any and all queries to the conference committee at ccrwt@berkeleycollege.edu

For more information, please visit: http://ccrwt.weebly.com

About Steve Mentz 1305 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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