From the St John’s English Department

Many of you will have received this message from the English department in response to recent events by email. We also want to post it publicly to signal our shared commitment to the values of toleration, community, empathy, diversity, and inclusion. In times like these — as in all times — we need the humanities and its values.

The English Department recognizes that the result of the presidential election has been disturbing and even traumatic, to students and faculty alike.  We write this note to assure our students that your professors remain committed to the educational mission of developing the empathetic thinking and compassion requisite for good citizenship, and that we reaffirm our commitment to the values of diversity and inclusion.  We urge all of us to come together as a community of scholars to support one another as we struggle to grasp the implications of the election and imagine productive and fruitful ways forward.

About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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