These pictures, courtesy of my new phone, convey on a little bit of the excitement and intellectual flair of this great event, which was organized entirely by grad students in the program.
First we had a panel featuring the work of Dr. Scott Combs and Dr. Elda Tsou, two recently tenured Associate Professors who described the challenges and pleasures of writing their first books.

Almost-ABD student Anwar Uhuru also joined this panel, which concluded with a reading of hisĀ original poem about the Library of Alexandria that he stored on his phone.
Later we had a six-member panel featuring Dr. Raj Chetty, Dr. Robert Fanuzzi, Anwar, Anna Sicari, Vickie Masseus, and Gowri Kumar. I didn’t get a good shot of them, because I was busy moderating!

Wise things were said about the complex ways of academic writing. We hope this event becomes a regular part of our shared intellectual community!
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