Junior Faculty Research Colloquia: Spring 2013

Everyone welcome!

The Junior Faculty Research Colloquium is a forum for the presentation of faculty research. It offers a unique opportunity to meet colleagues and share ideas across the disciplines. We are pleased to announce our Spring 2013 presentations, all of which will meet from 1:50 to 3:15 pm in the seminar room of the Institute for Writing Studies, 150 St. Augustine Hall.

February 7: Philip Misevich, History Department, “Crowdsourcing, Databases and the Study of the Transatlantic Slave Trade” (rescheduled from Fall 2012)

March 7: Elizabeth Albert, Institute for Core Studies, “Silent Beaches/Untold Stories: New York City’s Forgotten Waterfronts”

March 21: Alejandro Quintana, History Department, “Teresa De Mier and Creole Liberalism during the Mexican Independence”

April 25: Marian Masulak, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, “The Monks of Tibhirine: Mission, Conversion, and Interreligious Dialogue”

Lunch will be served at the presentations.

Please feel free to contact us with questions.

Betsy Herbin-Triant and Phil Misevich, co-chairs

Junior Faculty Research Colloquium

herbine@stjohns.edu, misevicp@stjohns.edu

About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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