Meet Dr. Harry Denny!

If you’ve been to the Writing Center at the Institute for Writing Studies, you’ve probably seen its Director, Dr. Harry Denny, in his office or sitting at a table talking with students. Dr. Denny has been at St. John’s for five years and has been teaching since 1994. His favorite classes to teach are theories and methods of mentoring writers. His research interests are Composition and writing center studies, identity politics, and rhetoric of social movements. Dr. Denny has published a book titled Facing the Center: Toward an Identity Politics of One-to-One Mentoring. Utah State University Press, (2010) as well as several articles. Dr. Denny’s favorite book is Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison by Michel Foucault.

When Dr. Denny isn’t busy at the Writing Center, teaching, writing, or conducting research for several projects, he can be seen (if you can catch him!) cycling through the five boroughs.  Dr. Denny didn’t share a specific favorite food but says, “a good meal is any meal shared with a good friend.”

Dr. Denny’s advice to students is to “collaborate with peers and colleagues on conference presentations and publications early and often.”


About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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