The Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College announces opportunities for Teaching Assistant positions for spring 2016 courses:
• Critical Approaches in Social and Cultural Theory
• Pleasures and Power: An Introduction to Sexuality Studies
• Practicing Intersectionality: The Interdisciplinary Study of race, gender, and ethnicity (new course)
Graduate students currently enrolled in a PhD program at any NYC-area university are eligible to apply, with approval from and according to the rules of their home institution and department. We will give strong preference to students who have significant training in critical studies of gender, sexuality, and race. These are stipend-only positions that do not include tuition assistance or benefits.
Candidates should send a letter of intent (including background, experience, and fields of interest), an updated CV, and the name and contact information for one academic reference to Professor Rebecca Jordan-Young c/o Mark Nomadiou (mnomadio@barnard.edu), by or before 4pm, Tuesday, December 15th. Application materials may also be dropped off at the Department of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, 207 Barnard Hall, Barnard College
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