The Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop on Afro-Latin American Studies

May 6, 2016 to May 7, 2016
Massachusetts, United States
Subject Fields:
African American History / Studies, Black History / Studies, Latin American and Caribbean History / Studies, Race Studies, Slavery

The Afro-Latin American Research Institute at the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University, invites graduate students working on dissertations related to Afro-Latin American studies to submit a proposal to the annual Mark Claster Mamolen Dissertation Workshop on Afro-Latin American Studies. Doctoral students at universities anywhere in the world, who are at the dissertation writing stage, from any discipline, are invited to submit an application. The only condition is that their dissertations deal with Afro-Latin American topics broadly defined, covering any time period, from colonial times to the present. Proposals can be submitted in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Interested students should submit a three-page proposal (double space), summarizing their dissertation topic and one letter of support from their academic adviser. Materials should be sent electronically to (please write “Dissertation Workshop” in the subject) by January 15, 2016. Up to ten students will be selected to participate in the workshop. They will be notified by February 26. Selected students will be asked to submit a dissertation chapter (up to 50 pages, double space, in English, Spanish, or Portuguese) by March 11. Chapters will be circulated among workshop participants. The Workshop will meet at Harvard on May 6-7, 2016.

The Afro-Latin American Research Institute will cover lodging and living expenses for all participants and will provide support for travel expenses for students who cannot get funding from their institutions. Please indicate in your proposal whether you require travel support.

This initiative is generously funded by a bequest from Mark Claster Mamolen (1946-2013), a childhood friend of Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and a former Advisory Board member of the Hutchins Center, and by the Ford Foundation.

Contact Info:

Afro-Latin American Research Institute, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University

Contact Email:
About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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