Silent Beaches at the Yeh Gallery until Nov 9

Silent BeachesProfessor Elizabeth Albert has a fantastic show up at the Yeh Gallery on campus this fall. Silent Beaches explores NYC’s forgotten waterfront through historical artifacts and photos, works of contemporary art, and objects found on beaches and salvaged from the waterways.

It’s open from 10 am to 5 pm Tues – Fri and Noon to 5 on Saturdays. The Yeh Gallery is inside the Sun Yat Sen Center, just across from D’Angelo. It’s open through Nov 9 — please visit!

Here’s my review from my personal blog, if you want a preview.

Also — Oceanic New York will be held in the gallery on Th 9/26!

About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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