Hello All English-ers!
I hope you all had a restful and fun winter break. I know I thoroughly enjoyed being with my family and taking a break from the daily grind. I must admit however, I started to get a little antsy toward the end of the break and dare I say, bored? I know that sounds odd and you are probably scratching your head, but it’s true.
There is something to be said for the various forms stimulation we receive as students in our daily routine. We are obviously stimulated by the material we are working on, our assignments, and our interactions with one another. We are constantly growing and changing. So after watching three seasons of Seinfeld, a dozen episodes of Peanuts, and about five seasons of the Golden Girls along with other stuff I don’t dare admit I entertained myself with, I was ready to come back to school.
I have always been a “the glass is half-full” kind of girl. So I am proposing that we start our semester together not worrying about what crazy assignments will be thrown our way or how much impossible reading we will have to do. Instead let’s start the semester looking forward to being challenged in new ways and growing in different directions. And for goodness sake…no fist pumping.
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