Some Spring Dates to Remember

Before we all scatter during spring break, I want you to note a couple of upcoming dates on your calendars.  

The first is Th March 15, when we’ll have a round-table event in the IWS at 3:30 in the afternoon featuring most, if not all, of the English faculty who will be offering graduate seminars next fall.  It’s timed to be nearthe middle of registration, and it’ll give everyone a chance to get a better sense of the variety of classes that we’ll offer in the fall.  Details to follow — but please come, and don’t be surprise if you end up wanting to take a course you’d never thought was your sort of thing before!

Second, the annual Graduate Student Conference in English will be held on Saturday April 21.  The two graduate co-chairs and organizers will be Liz Walsch and Tara Bradway, and there’s room for a third if anyone else would like to volunteer.  We’ll issue a formal CFP right after spring break, but you should plan on getting together either a panel of 2-4 speakers or a title and abstract for your own paper by March 15.  Once again, I’m quite interested in alternative formats beyond the “three papers on a panel” mode.  It’s up to you to propose something, though of course all faculty members are available for advice.

More information will come soon about both of these events, but since the dates are set I wanted you to get them down on your calendars.  

About Steve Mentz 1303 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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