Junior English majors: Internship Opportunity at Plough Magazine

The internship is described below by Dana Wiser, its coordinator:

“We offer 8 seats, 4 at a time for a month each. Interns assist editorially while participating in our intentional Christian community, ‘adopted’ by a Bruderhof family. Each works toward a byline in the Plough Quarterly. It’s a unique opportunity, mutually enjoyed by students and community. We seek junior year English majors with career interest in writing, without rigid limitation. While we offer no stipend room and board are included in the communal setting. We have open slots, and we anticipate Covid relief by then.”

For more information and to apply, visit this link.

Dr. Mary Townsend, Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosphy, has published with Plough and offered to answer any questions applicants might have about the magazine. She can be emailed at townsenm@stjohns.edu.

About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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