Internships available for spring 2019.
Application deadline: November 9.
Each semester, Commonweal offers internships to promising young Catholic writers, journalists, theologians, and critics. Commonweal is currently welcoming applications for the spring of 2019.
Interns work closely with editors in writing original articles for the Commonweal website or print magazine. They also participate in day-to-day and long-term operations of Commonweal’s editorial, marketing, development, and digital departments. Proofreading, manuscript review, editorial administration, website curation and research, event preparation, marketing campaign development, and various special projects are all options for an intern to explore, depending on their interest and background. Interns’ names will appear on the masthead during their time with Commonweal.
Candidates should demonstrate an interest in journalism and engagement with the topics covered in Commonweal — religion, politics, culture, and the arts. We particularly wish to hear from candidates with experience writing for publication in any medium. One need not be Catholic to apply, but a willingness to engage with the Catholic tradition is necessary for understanding Commonweal’s work.
Spring internships can be either full time or part time. Starting and ending dates are flexible. Modest stipends are offered to help defray living and commuting expenses, though Commonweal cannot provide housing. Our offices are located on the Upper West Side in New York City.
Interested applicants should send a letter describing their interest in Commonweal, resume, and samples of original writing by e-mail only to interns@commonwealmagazine.org. The application deadline for the fall is November 9.
Many of our valued interns have come to us through the recommendations of professors and regular readers of the magazine. We’re grateful for your help passing along this e-mail to anyone you know who might be interested, or post this URL. If you have any questions about our program, please contact interns@commonwealmagazine.org
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