Draft Line-up for Whitman on Walls!

Walt Whitman by Stephen Paul MIller

We’re in the countdown phrase – only 18 days until 10/26! – and we’re working on some flyers and other publicity. We have an Eventbrite page (see previous post), and I hope everyone will RSVP soon.

But I want to share the provisional line-up of poets and peoms because it’s so exciting.

There will probably be some changes, and Lee Ann Brown’s poem in response to the North Carolina floods isn’t quite finalized yet. But we can now share twenty poems and seventeen individual poets in our line up, plus two group compositions. The gaggle of poets is evenly divided between English majors, graduate students, faculty, and non-majors. It’s an amazing group of brave poet-volunteers!

The events of the day will mix films by the Compagnia de’ Colombari with poems from the St. John’s poets, more or less like this –

Invocation 1: St, John’s and the Poets of Queens

Invocation 2: Lee Ann Brown, “Come All You Whitmanics”

First Film: Journey: Where are we going?

  • Group Poem #1 “Where are we going?”
  • Group Poem #2: “I Forget”
  • Stephen Paul Miller “Walt Whitman in Prague”
  1. Second Film: Seen + Unseen: What do we ignore in the everyday?
  • Michelle Cicillini, “Days of Awe”
  • Kelly Mooney, “The Syllogistic Divide”
  • Peter Vanderberg, “Starlings”
  1. Third Film: The City: What does it mean to be part of a city?
  • Ryan Flaherty, “I Celebrate Myself”
  • Marquielis Guzman, “I am from the Domincan Republic”
  • Seán Griffin, “Stop walking the dogs and”
  1. Fourth Film: Nature + Democracy: What is the grass?
  • Megan Chapman, “Song of Ourselves”
  • Sally Mellina “Song of the Inferior Mind”
  • Dana Livingston “cavity”
  • Yasmin Mohamed, “We Need to be Set Free”
  1. Fifth Film: Infinite Variety: Going into the unknown together…
  • Ruhin Talukdar, “Beyond the Animal Farm”
  • Steven Alvarez, “impalpable substance of me”
  • Tess Patalano, “Crossing NYC Ferry with Whitman”
  1. Sixth Film: Gratitude: Dance between life and death?
  • Steve Mentz, “The sea sees me feelingly”
  • Sabrina Sarwar, “Mawt”
  • Kiara Mapp, “Walt Whitman’s Melodies”
  1. Lsst Film: Contradictions: Do we shake the system?
  • Lee Ann Brown, North Carolina Flood Poem (in progress)

    Starling by Peter Vanderberg

Please make plans to join us on Sat afternoon 10/26 from 4-7 pm –  get your free tickets via Eventbrite


About Steve Mentz 1284 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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