FInal Call for Poets – Whitman on Walls!

As regular readers of the English blog know, the department’s big event this fall will be Whitman on Walls! – a multimedia performance that will combine films made by the Compagnia de’ Colombari with original poetry by members of our community speaking back to Walt Whitman. The event will be Sat 10/26, around 4 – 7 pm.

We are hoping for around a dozen original poems by SJU poets to be part of this event. Right now, we have pretty close to that number of submissions – but if there are a few poets who have stayed on the sidelines until now, there is still (a little bit of) time!

I want to send the poems, author bios, and a signed “consent to publish” for to the folks at Colombari by Oct 1 (ie, next Tuesday). Please reach out to me – – if you’d like to send me something!

About Steve Mentz 1284 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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