Food, Politics, and Pedagogy on Feb 23

Food for Thought: Eating, Politics, and Pedagogy
(Or, Is the way to a student’s mind through her/his stomach?)   
Just back from the Popular Culture Association’s Southwest Conference, which focused on food and culture, Sean Murray (Assistant Professor of English Composition in the Institute for Writing Studies) had the opportunity to present and attend panels related to the politics of food. These sessions offered numerous practical ideas for using debates centered on food (factory farming, GMOs, the high price of healthy eating, etc.) to stimulate critical thinking and interesting writing.  Snacks—healthy ones, of course—will be provided.

Date: Thursday, February 23
Time: 1:50à2:50 PM
Place: Writing Center Back Lounge
About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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