Spring 2016 Registration Deadlines

It’s advising and registration season! I know many of you are already on top of this process, but just as a reminder here are the dates at which each cohort can register for Spring 2016 classes.

Students should meet with their faculty advisor to select courses. If you don’t know who your advisor is, undergrads should contact Dr. Dohra Ahmad (ahmadd@stjohns.edu) and grad students Dr. Steve Mentz (mentzs@stjohns.edu).

You can find descriptions of English grad and u/g coursesĀ on the upper right tab of the English blog.

Oct 21-22: Seniors

Oct 26-28: Juniors

Nov 2-4: Sophomores

Nov 10-12: First-years

Nove 2-4: All Grad Students


About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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