Study Abroad Handbook

Study Abroad Handbook


Dear Faculty,

The University’s 2008–2013 Strategic Plan and 2011–2014 Repositioning the Strategic Plan documents emphasize the importance of incorporating an international perspective into our programs of study. It is particularly noteworthy that the repositioning document states that a critical aspect of defining the value of a St. John’s education includes having our students “develop the knowledge, competencies, and experiences” that are needed “to enhance their personal growth as world citizens, gain an understanding of other cultures and nations, and succeed in today’s global workforce.”

The Office of Global Studies has embarked on a number of initiatives to provide international study opportunities combining academic and service components. Key to their success have been the inspired contributions of our participating faculty, whose creativity and ingenuity have ensured memorable learning experiences for our students. I am pleased to encourage every member of the faculty with a desire to participate in this important initiative to submit a proposal for a new addition to our expanding study abroad programs.

Completing the enclosed application is the first step. As an institution, we hope to create programs that meet our “Five Screens”—the five essential qualities of the St. John’s study abroad experience: 1) Academically rigorous 2) Safe 3) Dynamic service opportunities 4) Affordable 5) Culturally rich

As provost, I am deeply aware that the success of our international programs depends on the meaningful participation of our dedicated, resourceful, and committed faculty. I hope you will take advantage of this unique opportunity to contribute to this major University initiative.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this request.


Sincerely, Robert A. Mangione, Ed.D., R.Ph.D.