2015 Faculty Publications #2

Happy New Year, everyone!

Here are a few more entries for our very productive English faculty:


Dr. Raj Chetty

Co-editor with Amaury Rodríquez. “Dominican Black Studies,” a special issue of The Black Scholar, Summer 2015, Vol 45, No. 2


Dr. Amy King


“Victorian Natural Science.” Oxford Handbook of Victorian Literary Culture.  Oxford UP.  Online published 2015; http://www.ofordhandbooks.com.  Print version forthcoming  May 2016.

“Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose:  Friday Night Lights and Victorian Fictions of Provincial Life.” Special Issue of RAVON (Romanticism and Victorianism Online), Television and the Victorian, ed Caroline Levine.  “Spring 2013 issue” (didn’t actually appear until more recently)


Review. Moral Authority, Men of Science, and the Victorian Novel. Victorian Periodicals Review. 48:1, Spring 2015

Review. Victorian Scientific Naturalism: Community Identity, Continuity.  Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Published online 27 March 2015.

About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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