BC Af Am Lit & Culture Job

The Department of English at Boston College is searching for an open-rank position in the field of African American Literature and Culture in the fall of 2016. This will be a joint appointment with the African and African Diaspora Studies Program (AADS), and is one of three hires that AADS will be coordinating with other departments. These hires represent a substantial institutional commitment to the study of African American experiences.

Boston College’s English Department teaches close to 500 undergraduate majors and 75 graduate students, MA and PhD. We are fortunate to have considerable support for the liberal arts in our university, and work together in a department significant both for its collegiality and its commitment to interdisciplinary ventures. Our ties to AADS are especially strong, and we greatly look forward to welcoming a new colleague in this field.

We welcome applications anytime, and will begin evaluating them on a rolling basis. Applications should be submitted via Interfolio: https://apply.interfolio.com/36410. Dossiers should include a cover letter, CV, three letters of recommendation, and writing sample (up to 25 pages). The deadline for applications is October 12, 2016.

About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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