The English Major and Minors in English and Writing

The English Major and
Minors in English and Writing

The Major
The major in English is a thirty-six credit program, with various levels of courses to be taken more or less in sequence.

Core Courses (nine credits)
English 1100C: Literature in a Global Context
English 2200: Introduction to English Studies
English 2300: Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theory

Courses in Literary History:
One course in each of four divisions (twelve credits)
Division I: Medieval & Renaissance Literature
Division II: 18th and 19th Century British Literature
Division III: American Literature up to 1900
Division IV: 20th Century Literature

Additional Electives
to be drawn from these divisions and/or from electives in “Special Themes and Topics” and/or Writing”
(twelve credits)

Senior Seminar (three credits)
Total credits in the English major: thirty-six credits

Minor in English
Students wishing to minor in English must take English 1100C and English 2200, plus nine credits in any English electives and one senior seminar. That’s a total of eighteen credits.

Minor in Writing
Students who minor in creative writing must take the following courses:

  • Introduction to Writing (English 3710)
  • Three additional writing courses
  • English 1100C plus an additional literature course in the English Department

Total: eighteen credits

Note: English majors who minor in writing must take the four required writing courses
plus one additional English literature course (fifteen credits in all) in addition to their major

Please note the following changes in our requirements:

  1. E. 2200 is a prerequisite for senior seminar.
  2. Seminars must be taken in senior year.
  3. Students in the BA/MA program still must take a senior seminar as part of their
    undergraduate requirements.