Vol. 3.1 (Spring 2005)
Editor: Paul Devlin, Graduate Assistant, English Department. Faculty Advisors: Stephen Sicari and Granville Ganter. Cover Design: Naomi Caesar for Caesar Cre8tive: http://www.portfolios.com/naomicaesar
Philip Vera Cruz: In Search of Defamiliarizing Narrative by E. San Juan Jr.
A Terry Teachout Reader Reviewed by Paul Devlin
Imperialism and Education in Twentieth-Century China in Contemporary Perspective by Arif Dirlik
Observations on Three Hemingway Stories by Elexis Coleman
Teaching Against Global Capitalism by Peter McLaren and Ramin Farahmandpur Reviewed by Mike Pozo
“A Real Freudian Case”- Anticipating the Cliche in Mary McCarthy by Tara Roeder
Letter of Resignation from the Jewish People by Berteil Ollman
Gunga Din and Memoirs of the Bookies’ Son Reviewed by Paul Devlin
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