Dream Travel Award for CCCC Scholars!

Application Deadline: October 10

Purpose: The Conference on College Composition and Communication sponsors the Scholars for the Dream Travel Award to encourage scholarship by historically underrepresented groups. This includes Black, Latinx, Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander scholars, regardless of citizenship status—persons whose presence and whose contributions are central to the full realization of our professional goals.

CCCC offers selected Scholars for the Dream Travel Award winners travel awards of $1,000 each and sponsors a reception for all award winners. Award winners will have the opportunity to work with career mentors who are CCCC members as part of the award.

Eligibility: If you are from an eligible group and an emerging scholar, you are eligible to apply. Ten Scholars for the Dream Travel Awards will be first-time presenters at CCCC. Up to ten additional awardees may be selected from CCCC members whose proposals have been accepted to the convention, who have presented at no more than three previous CCCC conventions, and who have not previously received a Scholars for the Dream Travel Award.

Award Criteria: The Awards Selection Committee considers originality of research, significance of pedagogical or theoretical contributions to the field, and potential for larger, subsequent projects. Award winners will be notified by January.

The Awards Selection Committee considers originality of research, significance of pedagogical or theoretical contributions to the field, and potential for larger, subsequent projects. Specifically, the Selection Committee will consider the following:

1. The Problem. The presentation promises to describe a significant problem or issue, meeting one or more of these criteria:

  • Timeliness: contributes to a current issue in rhetoric or composition studies.
  • Theory: references a specific theoretical framework within rhetoric or composition studies, sharpening concept definitions or presenting alternative viewpoints.
  • Research: provides exploration with new research techniques or creative use of known techniques; demonstrates and fills a research void; creates or improves an instrument for observing and analyzing research data.
  • Pedagogy: relates specific, creative classroom practices to particular theoretical frames, demonstrating potential for general application (more than a demonstration of a particular personality’s successful pedagogy).

2. The Potential. Whether theory, research, or pedagogy, the presentation should hold promise for future exploration and investigation.

Award Specifics: If you are from a historically underrepresented group, if you are an emerging scholar, and if you would be presenting at CCCC, you may apply by submitting the materials outline below.

Your proposal will be reviewed by the Scholars for the Dream Travel Award Selection Committee. If your proposal is accepted and it meets criteria, you are eligible for a travel award.

Candidates for travel awards should submit an expanded, 3 to 5-page abstract and a completed Scholars for the Dream Eligibility Form (.docx) as a single PDF attachment by October 10, 2019, to the CCCC Liaison at cccc@ncte.org. (Note: You must be be from one or more of the historically underrepresented groups noted above.)

Award winners will be notified by early December.

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About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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