Fellowship Opportunities at UCLA

Important announcement regarding fellowship opportunities at UCLA:

sponsored by:
UCLA Center for 17th-& 18th-Century Studies (www.1718.ucla.edu) and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library (www.clarklibrary.ucla.edu).

Graduate fellowship information can be found here:


Predoctoral application forms can be accessed directly via this link:


2019-20 Core Program Description for Fellowship Advertising

ASECS/Clark Fellowships
Fellowships jointly sponsored by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Center/Clark are available to postdoctoral scholars and to ABD graduate students with projects in the Restoration or the eighteenth century. Fellowship holders must be members in good standing of ASECS. Awards are for one month of residency.
Stipend: $3,000 for the month of residency.
Application deadline: 1 February 2019

Clark Dissertation Fellowships
One or two fellowships are awarded each year to UCLA doctoral candidates whose dissertation involves extensive research in the Clark Library’s holdings. The award is for nine months during the academic year.
Stipend: $18,000 plus fixed graduate fees, excluding nonresident tuition.
Application deadline: 1 February 2019

Kanner Fellowship in British Studies
This three-month fellowship, established through the generosity of Penny Kanner, supports research at the Clark Library in any area pertaining to British history and culture. The fellowship is open to both postdoctoral and predoctoral scholars.
Stipend: $9,000 for the three-month tenure.
Application deadline: 1 February 2019

Predoctoral Fellowships
One-to-three-month fellowships are available to doctoral candidates whose dissertation research involves the area of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century studies or one of the other areas represented in the Clark Library’s collections.
Stipend: $3,000 per month for the one-to-three-month residency.

Contested Foundations: Commemorating the Red Letter Year of 1619
—a core program organized by Professors Brenda E. Stevenson (University of California, Los Angeles) and Sharla M. Fett (Occidental College)

The year 1619 was designated as the red red-letter year in Virginia, the first permanent colony in British North America, for three reasons—it marked the beginning of a representative government; the arrival of captive African laborers; and the initiation of a successful plan to encourage permanent family development through the importation of English women. It was on June 29, 1619, that Sir George Yeardley, governor general of the colony, convened a legislative assembly consisting of persons sent as representatives by its free male residents. It was the first such legislative assembly in the British colonial New World. Two months later, the first shipment of Africans arrived at Point Comfort on the southern coast of Virginia, a foreshadowing of the hundreds of thousands of African laborers who would eventually would arrive and help to transform Virginia, and several other colonies, into race- based-slave economies. That same year, the Virginia Company of London began a concerted effort to recruit “respectable [English] women” to the colony so that, in the words of one Company officer, they could “‘make wifes to the inhabitants and by that meanes to make the men there more settled and less moveable.” The combination of these efforts, all meant to enhance the lives of the colonial male elite, marked the beginning of a true settler colony for Britain in North America. This beginning came with with grim implications for the indigenous populations the Britishy encountered. These experiments in governance, settler colonialism, and a racialized economy also proved to be the characteristic underpinnings of our independent nation two hundred and fifty years later. 1619 was indeed the red red-letter year of British America’s 17th century!

This core program, marking the 400th anniversary of this notable year, encompasses We propose three conferences for the 2019-2020 academic year, each of which willould address one of the three seminal events of 1619 within the geopolitical, economic, and social/cultural contexts of 17th- and 18th 18th-century North America. Across these conferences, we will ; while also considering 1619’s its impact on the nation’s eventual character. The British, of course, were not the first Europeans to explore, establish permanent settlements, import African slaves, or create governing structures in North America. The French and the Spanish made several forays into the southern, gulf, and western regions before the British. Therefore, the coprogram nferences also will also encompass French and Spanish forays into the southern, gulf, and western regionsaddress some of their impact on, and interactions with, British colonial authorities, their residents and native peoples.

Initiating this series of conferences in 2019 would be particularly noteworthy because it will mark the 400th anniversary of these events’ occurrences. While other organizations also are celebrating 1619 as the arrival of African slaves in Virginia, no other institution will address all three of these extraordinary occurrences from that year and their collective significance on colonial life or the founding of the new nation.

Conference 1: “‘20. And odd Negroes’Negroes”: African Labor, Colonial Economies, Cultural Pluralities
October 25–26, 2019
This first conference references concerns the 1619 forced migration of Africans to colonial Virginia. Scholars will discuss the arrival, distribution, and resistance of African laborers among British settlers and those of other European colonies in North America. Topics will include ; the creation of slave-based (African and indigenous) and slave trade influenced colonial economies; , and the evolving legal and social implications of the growing cultural diversity of the colonial population. Collectively, presentations will encourage a discourse about Europeans of varied religious and linguistic backgrounds, diverse indigenous peoples, and multiple African ethnicities.

Conference 2: ‘“Burgesses to be chosen in all places”:’ Representative Governance Takes Hold on British Claimed Soil
February 21-22, 2020
This second conference will interrogates the ideals and realities of representative governance structures among British (and European) residents of North America from early colonization until the mid-18th century. There will be emphases on the barriers of race, gender and wealth to participation in these “representative” governments. Scholars will investigate ; the impact of the development of these colonial governments, and their legal
institutions, on native peoples’ self-governance efforts and, claims to the land, and general autonomy vis-à-vis their settler neighbors. Furthermore, the conference will explore the contradictions inherent in the legal institutionalization of race-based chattel slavery, and the ; and implications of this for the U.S.’s founding political constituents, documents, and institutions.

Conference 3: ‘“Respectable’ Respectable” Women: Gender, Family, Labor, Resistance and the Metanarrative of Patriarchy
April 17–-18, 2020
The third conference program will focus on the arrival, coercion, commodification, and resistance of native, English, and African women. Scholars will consider colonial women’s ; their labor;, and their evolving status within their families and communities. It alsoDiscussions will engage the problems and possibilities of a colonial archive that, traditionally, has traditionally been constructed by, and centered on, a white, elite patriarchy, to the exclusion and/or marginality of the voices and divergent experiences of women, Africans, native peoples, and non-elite whites.

Graduate Travel Grants (UCLA students)
Graduate students at UCLA may apply to the Center for travel support for participation in professional conferences related to seventeenth- and eighteenth-century studies and Oscar Wilde. Please apply well in advance of travel. Details on the following webpage: www.1718.ucla.edu/research/ucla-graduate/
Stipend: up to $500 for domestic travel; up to $1,000 for foreign travel.

Ahmanson Undergraduate Research Scholarships (UCLA students)
Up to ten undergraduate scholarships are offered every year to support undergraduate student research at the Clark Library. These are intended for UCLA upper-division students who enroll in a designated course (usually open to upper division students from any UCLA department) or in a recognized departmental honors program in which an assigned research project requires the use of Clark materials. Program details, seminar descriptions and requirements, and application procedures are announced each year on the following page: www.1718.ucla.edu/research/undergraduate/

About Steve Mentz 1289 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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