Sexuality Studies Association CFP


The Sexuality Studies Association welcomes proposals for the fourth annual meeting to be held at SSHRC Congress May 29-31 2016 at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta. We invite proposals for work in English or French from any disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective. There is an opportunity to present the same work in both French and English. If you would like to make two presentations (one in English and the second in French) please state that clearly in your abstract.

In keeping with the 2016 Congress thematic focus on “Energizing Communities” we are particularly interested in papers, creative commentaries, art exhibits, films, multimedia works, and performance art that problematize notions of community and belonging as they intersect with sex, gender and sexuality. The thematic of “Energizing Communities” is particularly timely for the Sexuality Studies Association given our commitment to engaging varied communities, including indigenous, francophone, and artistic communities.

As critical scholars and activists situated in relation to various academic, artistic, and political networks, we are involved in the creation of queer communities and kinship systems. The integration of academic scholarship and community-based research has a long and varied history. Critical sexuality studies resists systems of heteronormativity that privilege dominant kinship structures and sexual practices. Our association cultivates intersectional, decolonizing, and multidimensional theories and methods. We are committed to challenging homonationalist projects that re-inscribe normativity as a technology of governance. These re-inscriptions of power naturalize and privilege dominant epistemologies by subtending ways of knowing prevalent in other/ed communities.

This year, we invite participants to explore the following questions: What are the places of resistance and collusion operationalized by contemporary sexualities and sexuality studies? Which communities and forms of belonging are made viable, and which are rendered uninhabitable within contemporary framings of sexuality? What are the affective stakes of critically “energizing” communities? How might we engage and envision cultures and communities in an age of global politics and transnational relations? We welcome presentations from scholars, activists and artists that examine multiple facets of energizing communities, including (but not limited to):

• indigeneity, de/colonization, and transnationalism
• sexuality studies in scholarly, artistic, and community discourses
• language, culture, and Anglonormativity
• racialization and whiteness
• inter/sexed bodies, genders, and subjectivities
• dis/ability and Crip theory
• trans* subjectivities and trans- theory
• the politics of space and counter publics
• queer ecologies, the anthropocene, species-ism, and the human/animal divide
• vital politics, new materialisms, and object-oriented-ontologies
• necro- and biopolitics, the living dead, “slow death”
• labour, precarity, survival
• ‘illicit’ sexualities and sex work
• kinship and families
• rights, recognition, and resistance

We encourage presentations in a variety of formats, including papers, panels, workshops, roundtables, poster sessions, film and video screenings, performance art pieces, exhibits, and cultural events. Preference will be given to sessions that include artists and/or community-based activists and/or scholars. If you are proposing a non-traditional presentation, please include a brief description of any necessary considerations relating to audio-visual/technical equipment, room size and location, movable seating, or other logistics.

All submissions must be sent as a single file (Word or PDF) and include (1) a maximum 150-word abstract for individual papers, (2) a maximum 50 word bio and (3) a ONE page mini CV that highlights institutional or community affiliation, research interests, current projects and/or publications/exhibits/performances. For panel and roundtable proposals please include a 150-word description addressing the objectives of the entire panel and a 100-word abstract for each presenter/participant as well as each participant’s 50 word bio and mini CV. Panels are comprised of three to four presenters. If you are proposing a workshop, please indicate the expected time frame if different from typical scheduling. A typical session lasts 75 minutes.

Papers are therefore expected to be approximately 15 minutes per presenter. Submissions for both panels and roundtables must indicate that a chair has been designated. Send your submission as an attachment to:

The deadline for submissions is November 20th, 2015. Presenters will be notified of the programming committee’s decision by late January 2016. All presenters must be members of the association by April 1, 2016.

About Steve Mentz 1304 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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