Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Courses at SJU Spring 2021

The Department of English will be hosting a new undergraduate course in Critical Race & Ethnic Studies (CRES) in Spring 2021. The course will be taught by Dr. Raj Chetty. There are also additional CRES cross-listed courses. See the flyer here: CRES Spring 2021 courses

You may email any of the professors on the flyer or email CRES at cressju AT gmail DOT com.

Critical Race & Ethnic Studies is a faculty-led initiative to respond to student, faculty, staff, and community calls for cutting-edge research, teaching, and programming focused on social justice issues shaped by race, ethnicity, class, dis/ability, gender, sexuality, and other contemporary and historical forms of group-differentiation.


About Steve Mentz 1265 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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