Call for Manuscripts: New York State English Council

What Counts?

Manuscripts Due: June 1, 2013

Publication Date: September 2013

This issue of The English Record explores the world of your classroom curriculum. As you move through your unit plans and the year progresses what is it that counts for the students and sticks with them? How do you decide what to keep and what to cut? Most of us feel there is more to our teaching than just instruction. How do you “count” this element of your profession? For this issue we ask that you explore what counts in your classroom.


The English Record publishes original peer reviewed contributions that focus on the field of English education. The English Record features articles on pedagogy, essays, commentaries, program descriptions, reflective narratives, book reviews and occasional student work. Please check the website, the newsletter and the journal calls page for more information regarding upcoming calls for manuscripts. Manuscripts should tie into the current theme, but the NYSEC editors will also consider well written and timely selections that are not directly connected to the theme of the current call.


Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to Dr. Kjersti VanSlyke-Briggs via e-mail at

Manuscripts should be prepared using MS Word. All parts of the manuscript should be double spaced. Please number all pages consecutively. Each manuscript should include a cover sheet with the author’s name, affiliation, position, a short two or three line author bio, preferred mailing address, telephone and e-mail address.

Identifying information should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript. Please include an abstract on the cover page of no more than 100 words. Manuscripts must conform to APA standards. Manuscripts that do not utilize APA will be returned.

All images, tables, figures and additional materials should be sent as separate files with a figure heading and notation within the manuscript for preferred placement.


As the author, you are required to secure any necessary permissions to reproduce any student work or materials from other sources.

Proofs and Complimentary Copies

A proof will be sent for accepted manuscripts to the author for review. Each corresponding author will receive a copy of the issue after publication.

Call for Manuscripts

The English Record is currently accepting manuscripts for the current call.

Vol 63 No 3

About Steve Mentz 1270 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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