Call for Papers – St. John’s University’s Humanities Review Spring 2023 Issue

The Humanities Review


Call for Papers: St. John’s University’s Humanities Review Spring 2023 Issue

“Keeping the ‘Human’ in Humanities: The Past, Present, and Future of Humanities Scholarship”

Deadline for abstracts: December 23rd

Deadline for accepted submissions: February 17th

Editors: Andrew Schlosser & Sana Younis

Please send all submissions to


“A story matrix connects all of us. There are rules, processes, and circles of responsibility in this world. And the story begins exactly where it is supposed to begin. We cannot skip any part.” – Joy Harjo, Crazy Brave

Tucked within the word humanities is the essence of what this discipline is born from: the human experience. When considering academic journals and the academy at large, we are often asked to cast away our humanity and look at things as “objective” scholars, unencumbered by those pesky emotions, dreams, and feelings that come with being human. And yet, the human condition is considered to be singular in its uniqueness in the history of time and space and multitudinous in the variances between human beings. How do we (or perhaps how do we not) keep our humanity in a system that seeks to separate us from it?

In this issue of The Humanities Review, we encourage writers to submit papers, stories, poems, art – any critical and\or creative works – which examine, explore, or depict the ways in which we can be human in and out of academic spaces. Consider some of these guiding questions for your writing:

– Which theories, pedagogies, and texts solidify our humanity and how?

– How can we teach and learn in ways that promote humanity in ourselves and in our students? How can incorporating different genres, mediums, voices and languages increase the way we see ourselves as humans?

– What practices can we bring with us into our learning, reading, and writing that invigorate the most essential aspect of humanities scholarship: the simple act of being human?

– How does time, reflections on the past, reactions to the present, and speculation about the future affect the way we see ourselves as human beings. Is our current time conducive to humanity?

– How will artificial intelligence affect the way we view humanity, especially if AI progresses to the point of near or even beyond human intelligence and emotional understanding?


Possible Books for Review or Reference Include (but not limited to):

Bartel, Anna Sims, and Debra A Castillo, editors. The Scholar As Human: Research and Teaching for Public Impact. Cornell University Press, 2021.

Febos, Melissa. Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative. Manchester University Press, 2022.

Fiormonte, Domenico, et al. Global Debates in the Digital Humanities. University of Minnesota Press, 2022.

Hass, Kristin Ann, editor. Being Human during Covid. University of Michigan Press, 2021.

Jaarsma, Ada S, and Kit Dobson, editors. Dissonant Methods: Undoing Discipline in the Humanities Classroom. University of Alberta Press, 2020.

Tran, D. Decolonizing University Teaching and Learning: An Entry Model for Grappling with Complexities. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.


We also wish to include reviews of literary works that may be applied in academic contexts.

Some examples include:

Villavicencio, Karla Cornejo. The Undocumented Americans. One World, 2020.

Washuta, Elissa. White Magic. Tin House Books, 2021.

About Steve Mentz 1268 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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