Consortium for Critical Reading, Writing, and Thinking: Conference 10/23/15

News on a local conference for fall 2015:

CCRWT is pleased to announce the selection of Ann Jurecic as this year’s Keynote Speaker for the conference on Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue and Collaboration.

Dr. Ann Jurecic is an Associate Professor of English at Rutgers University–New Brunswick and an Associate Editor of Literature and Medicine. Her book Illness as Narrative charts the emergence of personal writing about illness in the twentieth century and explores the problems these works pose in culture and criticism. Professor Jurecic’s articles include “Life Narratives in the Genomic Age” (The Lancet, March 2014) and “Empathy and the Critic” (College English, 2011).
In addition to her cross-disciplinary work in the medical humanities, Professor Jurecic has taught writing throughout her career—in public high school, community college, and public and elite research universities. She’s taught basic writing, expository writing, creative nonfiction, and research writing. Drawing on this range of experiences, she recently completed a book about writing for students (and their teachers), Habits of the Creative Mind, co-authored with Richard E. Miller and forthcoming in September 2015.
Professor Jurecic’s keynote address, “Cultivating Curiosity and Creativity in an Era of Standardization​,” will explore the methods by which college professors can help students develop the foundational habits of attentiveness, curiosity, creativity, openness, engagement, persistence, and reflectiveness–which are vital to their academic, professional, and personal success–in an age when “high-stakes testing now shapes students’ K-12 experience, determining both what and how they learn.”  She will also lead an afternoon workshop by the same title–the description for which will be posted
Please join us on October 23rd at Berkeley College’s 41st Street campus location (Midtown Manhattan) and be part of this meaningful exploration of teaching and learning.  Your participation in this event will most certainly ensure its success.​
About Steve Mentz 1305 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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