Imagining America: Th March 26

Graduate students in the Humanities have a special session at 4 pm in the IWS seminar room! Please attend this exciting and innovative program.

Here’s the schedule: Imagining America St. John’s Campus Visit Schedule of Events

On Thursday March 26, St. John’s College, the Office of Global Studies, and the Vincentian Institute for Social Action are hosting the first campus visit of Imagining America, a national consortium of colleges and universities devoted to strengthening the public role and social impact of the humanities.  St. John’s University, with its wide array of academic service learning programs, community-based research projects, and humanities programs guided by the Vincentian mission, has been an active consortium member.  We are bringing the representatives of Imagining America to St. John’s so that our faculty and students will further benefit from our consortium membership and we can build our university’s national profile in this vital area of higher education.

Attached you will find an overview of activities on March 26, which include a morning session focused on teaching, an afternoon session focused on research and program development, and a third session specifically designed for graduate students in the humanities.  The first sessions two require an RSVP so please read carefully and signal your plans to attend by replying to Lynn Stravino,  We ask for your help in promoting the third event to your graduate students, so please forward to audiences whom you think would benefit.

Our planning team—Robert Fanuzzi, Michael Wolfe, Barrett Brenton, Zoe Petropoulou, Lynn Stravino, and Matt Pucciarelli—has worked hard to plan an diverse, exciting day for liberal arts and humanities faculty and their many allies at St. John’s.  We look forward to seeing you on March 26.


Bob Fanuzzi and Barry Brenton

St. John’s University Institutional Representatives, Imagining America

About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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