And now for my own shameless self-promotion …
Last semester I took Introduction to the Profession with Dr. Mentz. For my semester-long project touching on The Tempest, our keystone text for the course, I decided to produce The Tempest along with Titus Andronicus. I was (and am) really interested in thinking about how Shakespeare’s revenge play mutates into a play like The Tempest. So I’m conveniently using connections from my own theatre company (Adirondack Shakespeare Company) to do this!
I have gathered a cast of thirteen professional actors who will appear in both productions on back-to-back nights with only thirteen hours of rehearsal for each show. ADK Shakes produces “raw” shows with minimal rehearsals, minimal props, costumes, and sets. By stripping away everything extraneous, we’re trying to get down to the essentials of theatre — the audience, the actors, and the words. Our approach is completely text-based, so I am incredibly excited to pair this with my coursework in the D.A. program. My final paper for the class was on why I chose to double the roles of Caliban in Tempest and Lavinia in Titus, which will be played by the same actress. (I am doubly excited to announce that a revised version of this paper will be published in a journal called Cahiers later this year!)
So! Here are all the relevant details for the shows. (If anyone would like postcards to pass out in your classes, just leave a comment or shoot me an email at I can drop them in your mailbox this week.)
Queens Campus – D’Angelo Center, 4th Floor, Rm 416 C
Friday, February 18 – Titus Andronicus
Saturday, February 19 – The Tempest
Manhattan Campus – Saval Auditorium
Friday, February 25 – Titus Andronicus
Saturday, February 26 – The Tempest
All shows are at 7:30 p.m. Admission is FREE with St. John’s ID. More info on our website: click here.
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