Job Opening at the New York Public LIbrary

Grad students who are finishing up might be interested in this —

There is a fulltime opening at the NYPL for an Assistant Site Advisor in Upper Manhattan – time is split between St. Agnes Branch  (81st and Amsterdam) and Harlem Branch (124th and 5th Ave)
The work is at the Centers for Reading and Writing, which works with adult students who attend small group, volunteer led classes for 4 hours each week.  The Director is looking for someone with experience teaching Literacy and/or ESL and can support volunteer tutors in teaching adult learners.
The work is to assist the Site Advisor in all areas.
External Responsibilities:
  • Co-teaching pre-service and in-service training workshops for volunteer tutors using the standardized curriculum.
  • Planning instruction with students and tutors.
  • Evaluating students’ verbal, reading and writing needs and progress.
  • Leading computer-assisted instruction, providing small group instruction, fostering student writing, assembling student journals,  initiating contact and maintaining links with community agencies.
  • Maintaining program data.
  • Participating in professional development.
  • May be required to work at more than one site.
External Qualifications:
  • A four year college degree and experience teaching reading and writing or ESOL to adults at a basic level.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of current theory and practice in emergent language and literacy development  and assessment with an emphasis on collaborative learning.
  • Experience working with volunteer tutors preferred.
  • Strong overall communication skills.
  • Demonstrated reliability and flexibility.
  • Knowledge of computer assisted instruction and Spanish preferred.
About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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