November 16 Vincentian Chair of Social Justice Lecture


Rev. Patrick J. Griffin, C.M.
Executive Director of the Vincentian Center for Church and Society


The Vincentian Center for Church and Society announces “Race, Gender, Science, and Power” as the first topic of our 2020–21 Vincentian Chair of Social Justice Lecture Series: Women of Color in the Academy. It will take place via Webex on Monday, November 16, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. EST.

Our distinguished speaker, Angela Saini, is an award-winning British science journalist and author. In her two most recent books, Ms. Saini considers specifically the issues of gender and race. Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong and the New Research That’s Rewriting the Story (2017) gives a primary focus to gender. She deals with the question of sexism in science and the consistent misrepresentation of women.

Her 2019 book, Superior: The Return of Race Science, found a place on many lists as one of the best science books of the year. The text explores the process of unlearning what we have learned as far as science and race are concerned, and how the misconceptions about race are still pervasive in science today. Despite our best efforts to be antiracist and informed, practice does not match what we now know due to the strong influence of history.

Ms. Saini prefers to talk about race and gender together since she maintains that every form of injustice overlaps with every other form of injustice, and they sometimes feed each other. The lenses of science, theology, psychology, and pharmacy will all focus the presentation and the subsequent conversation.

Our colleague, Manouchkathe Cassagnol, Pharm.D., BCPS, AACC, will lead a St. John’s panel that will engage Ms. Saini in discussion. A question-and-answer session will also be included.

The Catholic and Vincentian mission at St. John’s promotes deeper understanding and acceptance of social justice as it impacts our students and the University community. Ms. Saini assists our ongoing conversion on issues related to gender and race. Register here for the virtual lecture.

About Steve Mentz 1304 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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