*Revised* Call for Papers: St. John’s Humanities Review

The Humanities Review

St. John’s University

Call for Papers

Beyond the Margins:

Interdisciplinarity, Hybridity, Fusion and the Future of Humanities Scholarship

Deadline for abstracts: December 21, 2022

Deadline for accepted submissions: February 19, 2023

Editor: Sana Younis *Please send all submissions to sjuhumanitiesreview@gmail.com

The Spring 2023 issue of the Humanities Review centers academic and creative work that is innovative through its interdisciplinarity, hybridity, or fusion. Humanities scholarship often effectively combines interdisciplinary methods, theories, frameworks, perspectives, and genres to the study of literature, popular culture, the material world, and the human. Creative writers and artists often create transcendent works that fuse, invent, or synthesize different forms, mediums, genres, and styles. The humanities tradition is being remade and enriched by the convergence of literary study. popular culture, material culture, social media, art, and activism. We are seeking open-ended inquiries about where this fusion and convergence is taking humanities scholarship. What are the past(s), present(s), and future(s) of humanities scholarship?

The following list includes some of the types of works or topics that we welcome:

  • Works that blend genres to create new ones (such as the lyric essay)
  • Works that are considered seminal in creating a new genre or one of the “firsts” in their genre Works that synthesize or integrate methods, forms, or theories from multiple disciplines
  • Works that center marginalized or elided histories
  • Works that fuse theories to illuminate different perspectives
  • Scholar-activists and activist scholarship
  • Scholar-artists and creative scholarship
  • Works that utilize different forms
  • Works that bring new approaches to “old” problems
  • Works that are not part of the “traditional” canon (including manga, anime, art, popular culture, media, social media, and digital humanities)

How to Submit:

Text submissions must be sent as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or doc only) attached via email Ci.e. not in the body text of the email) to sjuhumanitiesreview@gmail.com

  • Submit a 200-word abstract for academic works by December 21, 2022;
    • Once your abstract is accepted, submit the final essay by February 19, 2023. Essays should be no more than 5,000 words and must be MLA formatted;
  • Creative works can include up to 3 short pieces or 1 longer piece of up to 6000 words. You may submit both creative and academic works;
  • Book reviews and interviews should be no more than 2,000 words. Books should have been published in the last 5 years, with preference given to the most recent or under reviewed works;
    • Some recent texts that we especially welcome reviews for include:
    • Hip Hop Heresies: Queer Aesthetics in New York City by Shante Paradigm Smalls; Book of the Other: small in comparison by Truong Tra; Shapes of Native Nonfiction: Collected Essays by Contemporary Writers by Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton; Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping by Matthew Salesses; Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation by Ruth Wilson Gilmore; White Magic by Elissa Washuta; The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How To Decolonize the Creative Classroom by Felicia Rose Chavez; Trans Care by Hil Malatino: Recollections of My Nonexistence: A Memoir by Rebecca Solnit: Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative by Melissa Febos
  • Send up to 3 artwork/photograph submissions around the theme as JPEGs; we particularly welcome cover art that captures the theme!

The Humanities Review is a peer-reviewed publication. You will be notified within one week after the deadline if your submission is accepted.

About Steve Mentz 1304 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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