Speed Mock Interview Night

University Career Services presents:

February 7, 2013
DAC 416
5 PM

Think your interview skills could use some brushing up as you head towards applying for internships, part-time positions, full-time jobs, and/or campus leadership roles? Just want some practice and honest feedback when it comes to presenting yourself professionally and answering questions out loud?

This event will help you gain essential interviewing experience by learning from those who’ve been there and done that. And don’t forget: you’ll also be able to network with these successful professionals, increasing your contacts.

Additionally, we will also be featuring guest speaker Paul Bailo, Ph.D. ’86CBA, Founder and CEO of Phone Interview Pro and the author of The Official Phone Interview Handbook. Mr. Bailo will discuss ways to improve your phone interviewing skills and teach you how to make a better first impression when trying to land your dream job. His helpful tips are invaluable for anyone in today’s job market.

About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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