Undergraduate Essay Prize sponsored by the Aphra Behn Online : An Interactive Forum for Women and the Arts, 1640-1830

Seeking engaging literary conversation and more wit than the seventeenth-century French courts could yield, Catherine de Vivonne, the Marquise de Rambouillet, established the Hôtel de Rambouille’s Blue Room, thereby setting the intellectual standard for salons. ABOPublic’s own Blue Room invites submissions of outstanding undergraduate papers on all topics of interests to our mission. We ask that authors include a faculty member’s contact information with their submissions; this mentor will serve as a guide for the student during the revision process. If the submission is accepted, faculty mentors will advise students through the editorial process, including meeting the revisions required by ABOPublic. If you’re unable to find a faculty adviser, please notify ABOPublic at the time of your submission and we’ll match you with a mentor!

Submissions and inquiries can be emailed to the Blue Room editor, Precious McKenzie, precious.mckenzie@rocky.edu, or to ABOPublic’s main email address, abopublic@aphrabehn.org.

Deadline: Submissions now welcome until August 15th 2016

Prize: $100.00







image: Catherine de Vivonne, marquise de Rambouillet (anonymous, 17th century.) Image via Wikimedia Commons

About Steve Mentz 1304 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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