2019 Hiphop Literacies Conference Call For Proposals & Performers

Call for Proposals and Performers
Hiphop Literacies Conference
The Ohio State University
March 29, 2019

Conference Theme: Critical Social Justice Possibilities in Hiphop: Movement Toward
Liberatory Education and Society

In their chants at demonstrations, spoken word to hype the crowd, or just their aesthetic, one can see and hear the influences of hip hop on this generation of protestors and activists. Hip hop is not just a genre of music to them; it is lifestyle, it is their theme song, and it tells the story of their politics, their degradation, and their rising up. As this new queered configuration of young activists declares ‘This is what democracy looks like,’ they are also reclaiming and democratizing hip hop and asserting ‘This is what my hip hop looks and sounds like.’ And as they revitalize and remix movement politics, they are also finding new ways to help hip hop
evolve and inspire.
–Cathy Cohen, 2015 “When Will Black Lives Matter?: Neoliberalism, Democracy, and the Queering of American
Activism in the Post-Obama Era

We welcome papers that address the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, class, ability, citizenship, ethnicity and nationality. In accordance with the theme of the conference, it is important that your presentation is framed within the context of social movement. What is Hiphop doing and by what means?

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

  • Dream Defenders
  • Film, TV, documentary makers, writers, journalists (e.g. dream hampton, Angie Thomas, Joan Morgan, Brittney Cooper, Spike Lee)
  • MeTooMovement
  • #MuteRKelly
  • Educational Justice
  • Women’s March
  • Family separation and child-immigrant detention
  • Black and undocumented
  • Reproductive Justice
  • Hiphop Feminism

Abstracts of 250 words for 20-minute paper presentations targeted issues or topics are welcome as well as other formats (i.e., ethnodrama, performance, poetry, autoethnography, and fiction).
We are also seeking regional and local talent to perform at the close of the conference concert.

Send abstracts for papers and other formats to Hiphopliteracies@gmail.com by February 25, 2019.

Local/regional performers should send link to one live performance video and bio to Hiphopliteracies@gmail.com by February 25, 2019 (put “performer” in subject line)
Please include first and last name, contact information, including preferred pronouns, email address, phone number, and affiliation.

More information can be found at their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/notes/hiphop-literacies-conference/the-ohio-state-university/1038137836389274/

About Steve Mentz 1304 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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