Discussion at CUNY Grad Center

We would love to hear what St. John’s Students think about the discussion.  Please shoot us an email with your thoughts if you attend.
April 4 / Proshansky Auditorium / 6:30 p.m.

Launch of the Committee on Globalization and Social Change

A talk by Slavoj Žižek:
“The Situation Is Catastrophic, but Not Serious”

Slavoj Žižek is “the world’s hippest philosopher,” according to the British newspaper The Telegraph. He “can spin you from Heidegger to Hershey bars (by way of Hitchcock and Hizbollah).” Žižek is a “master of the counterintuitive observation,” according to The New Yorker.

The Graduate Center, CUNY - Public Programs for the Public Mind - Slavoj Zizek; Photo: Andy Miah
Born in 1949 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Žižek is a professor at the European Graduate School; international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London; and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His primary influences as a cultural critic and philosopher are Hegel, Kant, and the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Žižek is also a filmmaker and the author of more than 30 books, including The Sublime Object of Ideology, The Ticklish Subject, The Plague of Fantasies, The Fragile Absolute, In Defense of Lost Causes, and most recently, Living in the End of Times.

This event will launch the Committee on Globalization and Social Change at the Graduate Center, an interdisciplinary working group composed of a core group of CUNY faculty interested in reflecting on globalization as an analytic category for understanding social change.

Free, reservations required: e-VENT Online Registration
For more information, call 212-817-8215.
About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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