MLA Virtual Career Counseling April 8 & 9 (for members), webinars, forum, and CFPs

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As per the latest MLA email:
Inspired by the success of the virtual 2021 MLA convention’s career counseling services, we are excited to offer members two further virtual career counseling opportunities on Thursday, 8 April, and Friday, 9 April. Early-career members who sign up for a 25-minute virtual counseling session will receive personalized advice from experienced scholars and professionals and will have an opportunity to clarify their skills, values, and career aspirations both within and beyond the academy (those interested can sign up here).
The MLA is also dicussing topics such as: a virtual conversation series on planning, teaching, and research in the pandemic, a free webinar on what’s new in the new MLA handbook, résumé revelations: advice for humanities PhDs, and a guide to preparing for remote interviews.
There is also a forum to discuss the difficulties of teaching remotely, as well as calls for opportunities involving ecofeminism and literature (March 25), working class academics (April 23), Zora Neale Hurston (April 5), aging studies and ecocriticism (May 15), pandemics past, present, and future (April 1), and materiality and psychoanalysis (April 30). 

About Steve Mentz 1307 Articles
I teach Shakespeare and the blue humanities at St. John's in New York City.

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