Introduction: Reflecting on the Academy and the Issue(s) by Kainat Cheema and Alexander Radison
Ornament of Heaven by Michelle Cicillini
Modernism Remixed: Uncovering Science Fiction as the Bridge to a Modernist Aesthetic by Cornelius Fortune
Contra-canonical Community and a Trans Minor Literature by Aaron Hammes
A Message from the Labyrinth by Christina M. Rau
A New Canon of Counternarratives: Realigning Power in Neurodiverse Middle Grade Books by Jennifer Slagus
The One Who Returns to Omelas by Allene Nichols
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and the Canon: Rethinking American Literature with Community College Students by Melissa Dennihy
Collision by Christina M. Rau
Neosophist Critical Pedagogy and Aesthetic-Rhetorical Teaching: Cultivating Critical-Imaginative Response in the Chicanx Literature Classroom by Rubén R. Mendoza
A Moving Practice: How the Writing Workshop Can Mobilize Black Rhetorical Devices by Chy Sprauve
Out of the Blue by Christina M. Rau
David Graeber and David Wengrow’s The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity Reviewed by Granville Ganter
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas’s The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games Reviewed by Stephanie Montalti
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